Lifestyle Archives - Latino System LatinoSystem Tue, 10 Dec 2024 19:08:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lifestyle Archives - Latino System 32 32 Latinos as Cultural Powerhouses: Artists as Entrepreneurs Shine at Pinta Miami 2024 Tue, 10 Dec 2024 19:08:38 +0000 In a vivid display of the entrepreneurial spirit and creative power of Latino artists, Puerto Rican talent Bernardo Medina, better known as BeMe, joined forces with Rums of Puerto Rico to present RUM is FUN at Pinta Miami. This immersive exhibition underscored the profound role Latinos play in shaping the global art landscape while celebrating Puerto Rican culture...

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In a vivid display of the entrepreneurial spirit and creative power of Latino artists, Puerto Rican talent Bernardo Medina, better known as BeMe, joined forces with Rums of Puerto Rico to present RUM is FUN at Pinta Miami. This immersive exhibition underscored the profound role Latinos play in shaping the global art landscape while celebrating Puerto Rican culture through a bold fusion of art and gastronomy.

Held on December 7, 2024, at The Hangar in Coconut Grove, BeMe’s colorful and dynamic works turned The Garden at Pinta Miami into a sensory wonderland. More than an artistic statement, RUM is FUN showcased the entrepreneurial ingenuity of Latino artists, weaving together the legacy of Puerto Rican rum with the visual narrative of BeMe’s signature aesthetic.


Latino artists like BeMe are redefining the art world by merging cultural heritage with modern innovation. BeMe’s multidisciplinary approach, which spans experimental sculpture, acrylics, and mixed media, exemplifies how artists from Latin America not only create but also elevate their cultural narratives to global audiences. Through his project, RUM is FUN, BeMe celebrates Puerto Rican identity while carving out new avenues for artistic entrepreneurship.

This entrepreneurial flair isn’t limited to the artwork itself. BeMe’s ability to bridge industries—art and gastronomy in this case—highlights the adaptability and vision of Latino creatives. His recipe book and exhibition don’t just showcase art; they invite audiences into an immersive experience of Puerto Rican culture, appealing to collectors, tastemakers, and fans alike.

Pinta Miami has long been a beacon for Ibero-American art, providing a global platform for Latino creators to share their stories and innovations. In the competitive and vibrant scene of Miami Art Week, Pinta Miami stands out as a space where heritage and modernity converge. BeMe’s exhibition within this prestigious fair reaffirmed the centrality of Latino voices in contemporary art while spotlighting their business acumen.

The collaboration between Rums of Puerto Rico and BeMe at Pinta Miami also demonstrated the strength of public-private partnerships in promoting cultural heritage. Initiatives like these not only celebrate art but also position it as a vehicle for economic growth, tourism, and international dialogue.

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Expoartesano llega a su segunda edición en Miami Fri, 18 Oct 2024 19:48:32 +0000 Expoartesano en Miami y busca consolidarse como una gran oportunidad de internacionalización para los artesanos colombianos. Septiembre de 2024. Tras una exitosa primera edición en 2023, Expoartesano regresa a Miami, buscando consolidarse como la principal vitrina comercial internacional para las comunidades artesanales de Colombia. Artesanos de los 32 departamentos del país tendrán la posibilidad de...

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Expoartesano en Miami y busca consolidarse como una gran oportunidad de internacionalización para los artesanos colombianos.

  • Del 18 al 20 de octubre se realizará en el Doral Cultural Arts Center la segunda edición de Expoartesano Miami.
  • Luego de una exitosa primera edición en 2023, la feria estrena locación buscando consolidarse como la principal oportunidad de internacionalización de los artesanos colombianos y sus comunidades.
  • La feria tendrá un espacio enfocado en empresarios que quieran hacer negociaciones de gran alcance, pensados en distribución y decoración de espacios como hoteles y restaurantes.

Septiembre de 2024. Tras una exitosa primera edición en 2023, Expoartesano regresa a Miami, buscando consolidarse como la principal vitrina comercial internacional para las comunidades artesanales de Colombia. Artesanos de los 32 departamentos del país tendrán la posibilidad de exhibir y comercializar sus productos y abrir oportunidades en uno de los mercados con mayor proyección para este sector en el exterior. La cita será del 18 al 20 de octubre en el Doral Cultural Arts Center, que permitirá que la feria este año tenga un mayor alcance y dé cabida a más actividades y demostraciones para todos, y la participación de 4.000 visitantes.

A lo largo de este año, el equipo organizador ha buscado la forma de maximizar los esfuerzos para que la mayor cantidad de comunidades artesanales tengan un espacio en la feria, garantizando los aspectos logísticos para que este escenario signifique oportunidades de crecimiento para todos.

“Con la segunda versión de Expoartesano Miami, nuestro objetivo es dar visibilidad a la labor de nuestros diferentes artesanos.  Son artesanías de los 32 departamentos de Colombia que estarán representados por diferentes artesanos, que tendrán la oportunidad de vender y comercializar a comunidades internacionales y también colombianos residentes en el sur de la Florida, quienes tendrán la oportunidad de conectarse nuevamente con nuestras culturas y nuestras raíces. Tras el éxito de nuestra primera versión que demuestra que nuestras artesanías son valoradas a nivel internacional, Expoartesano Miami en su segunda edición, será muchísimo más grande y estará abierta para mayor público” expresó Ricardo Galindo, Gerente General de Plaza Mayor Medellín.

Será un ambiente pensado para los visitantes que encontrarán un showroom especializado con artesanías provenientes de Colombia, demostraciones de oficio, variada oferta gastronómica y diferentes espacios para interactuar con los artesanos y sus tradiciones, siendo el lugar perfecto para conectar y descubrir las raíces de la cultura colombiana.

Una vitrina para los negocios a gran escala

Según cifras de ProColombia sobre las exportaciones de artesanías, entre enero y julio de 2024, registraron un crecimiento del 34% frente al mismo periodo de 2023, llegando a USD 4,32 millones. Esto sumado a un crecimiento constante en los últimos años, reafirma las oportunidades que tienen las comunidades artesanales de comercializar sus creaciones en el exterior, especialmente en mercados potenciales y priorizados como EEUU. Por esta razón, esta edición de la feria priorizará algunos espacios y actividades enfocadas en la generación de negocios a gran escala, con quienes se tendrán recorridos exclusivos, rueda de negocios abierta a empresas que quieran asistir y experiencias personalizadas que permitan el máximo conocimiento del producto, las comunidades y las posibilidades comerciales. Esto gracias al apoyo de ProColombia y la Cámara de Comercio Colombo Americana en Miami, así como otros aliados estratégicos que estarán acompañando estas actividades.

“Desde ProColombia, nuestro propósito es seguir conectando a nuestros artesanos con los mercados internacionales, llevando al mundo las tradiciones y la riqueza cultural que hacen de Colombia El País de la Belleza. Hoy celebramos con orgullo el regreso de Expoartesano a Miami en su segunda edición, con grandes expectativas para este año. Apostar por traer los oficios y productos artesanales a un mercado estratégico como Estados Unidos es clave para conectar nuestra oferta con la demanda de compradores norteamericanos y para promover el desarrollo y el crecimiento de las comunidades artesanales y nuestros territorios”, dijo María Camila Castellanos, directora ejecutiva en Estados Unidos de ProColombia —la agencia de promoción del país, parte del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo—.

Un espacio para disfrutar y acercarse a las raíces

Esta edición de la feria contará con diferentes experiencias pensadas para que el público visitante pueda conectarse con las raíces colombianas, conocer los oficios artesanales y deleitarse con las principales muestras de nuestra cultura.

Así mismo, tendrán la posibilidad de comprar artesanías directamente a los artesanos invitados, conocer sus historias e interactuar con ellos, visitar el showroom con representación de oficios de los 32 departamentos del país, disfrutar de la muestra gastronómica tradicional colombiana y hacer parte de la rueda de saberes, espacio en el que se realizarán demostraciones de los diferentes oficios artesanales presentes en la feria.

“Está será la oportunidad perfecta para que todos los visitantes a la feria, conozcan los oficios y creaciones de artesanos de los 32 departamentos de Colombia, conociendo de cerca el proceso de transformación de la materia prima en artesanías de gran valor cultural, siendo Colombia el único país de América Latina con 12 denominaciones de orígen en productos artesanales, que podrán encontrar en esta edición de Expoartesano Miami. Un espacio que además le apuesta al desarrollo de las comunidades de artesanos y artesanas del país.  Manifestó Adriana Mejía, Gerente de Artesanías de Colombia B.I.C.

Aliados estratégicos que hacen posible este espacio

Esta segunda edición de Expoartesano Miami es posible gracias al trabajo articulado entre Artesanías de Colombia B.I.C y Plaza Mayor Medellín y con el apoyo de ProColombia, Consulado General de Colombia en Miami, Cámara de Comercio Colombo Americana en Miami, el Distrito de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Medellín, Ecopetrol, Gobernación la Ciudad de Doral, y la Ciudad de Doral, entre otros;  la apuesta de la Alcaldía de Medellín, como promotor de la internacionalización de los oficios artesanales no sólo de la ciudad, sino de todo el país, es apoyar la realización de este evento que significa una nueva oportunidad de desarrollo para los artesanos de la región. .

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Dharma Dual Living de Medellín en Kiki on the River en Miami Thu, 12 Sep 2024 13:58:00 +0000 Todo un éxito! Presentación del proyecto inmobiliario Dharma Dual Living

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El Miércoles 11 de Septiembre, se llevó a cabo la presentación del exclusivo proyecto inmobiliario Dharma Dual Living de Medellín en la ciudad de Miami. Más de 50 invitados especiales, entre inversionistas internacionales, realtors y líderes de la industria, se reunieron en un VIP brunch en el espectacular restaurante “Kiki on the River” para conocer de primera mano este innovador proyecto liderado por el grupo Colviva.
Dharma Dual Living es una iniciativa que busca revolucionar el mercado inmobiliario en Medellín, ofreciendo un estilo de vida único y moderno en una de las ciudades más vibrantes de Colombia. Este proyecto hace parte de una gran alianza con el novedoso Arena Primavera, que promete ser un referente en la transformación urbana de la ciudad.

Durante el evento en el downtown de Miami

los invitados pudieron disfrutar de una presentación detallada del proyecto, así como de una degustación de la gastronomía típica de lo mejor de Kiki on the River. Además, tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer a los líderes detrás de esta iniciativa y de intercambiar ideas y opiniones con otros profesionales del sector inmobiliario.
La presentación del proyecto inmobiliario Dharma Dual Living en Miami fue todo un éxito, demostrando el gran interés que existe en el mercado internacional por invertir en Medellín. El grupo Colviva se enorgullece de liderar este proyecto que promete ser un referente en la transformación de la ciudad y agradece a todos los invitados por su asistencia y apoyo. Para más información sobre Dharma Dual Living, visite su página web oficial. 
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Exploring Symbolism and Meaning

Grupo Colviva

Nos define el desarrollo, nos mueve nuestra gente.
Creamos proyectos que sean la respuesta real a las necesidades de desarrollo de las ciudades y de quienes las habitamos. Por eso, el comprador final, está en el centro de nuestras ideas.

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Diana Espinosa March: The Voice of Latina Empowerment Mon, 02 Sep 2024 11:33:00 +0000 Diana is a dynamic entrepreneur, content creator, and businesswoman making waves in the United States. Originally from Colombia, Diana has become a prominent figure on digital platforms, where she uses her influence to empower women and highlight Latino talent.

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Isa Restrepo Unveils IWomen: A Revolutionary Networking App Empowering Latina Women Fri, 30 Aug 2024 16:01:00 +0000 The main goal of IWomen is to boost networking among latinas and keep this community connected through events, knowledge, and relevant information.

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Renowned Colombian journalist and entrepreneur Isabel Restrepo is introducing her new and ambitious project: IWomen, an innovative app designed to transform the way Hispanic women network.

The official launch of the IWomen app will be held on Thursday, September 5, at the prestigious Eichholtz Gallery, located in the heart of the Design District in Miami, Florida. The event will begin at 6:00 p.m., marking the start of a new era in female networking.

IWomen is an app created to facilitate interaction and connections among Latin American women living in the United States and other parts of the world with mutual interests and goals. Targeted at professionals, entrepreneurs, and businesswomen, this platform promotes the personal and professional growth of its members by bringing together women in a diverse and enriching space.

“The main goal of IWomen is to boost networking among Latin American women and keep this community connected through events, knowledge, and relevant information,” says Isabel.

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Fabio Tandioy to Present at the 79th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand Mon, 26 Aug 2024 16:01:00 +0000 79th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), taking place from September 19-21, 2024, in Minneapolis.

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Dr. Tandioy is the only Colombian surgeon to receive this honor, highlighting his exceptional contributions to the field.

“For me, being there is a real privilege, being able to share my knowledge and techniques that contribute to the world of hand surgery and with special emphasis on the new technique of wrist arthroscopy.” Said Dr. Fabio Tandioy.

Dr. Tandioy will be leading a session titled “Inspiration & Innovations in Hand Surgery Techniques,” where he will present his groundbreaking work on “Advances in the Arthroscopic Management of CMC Instability.” His presentation is scheduled for September 19 at 7:45 a.m., and is anticipated to draw significant attention from leading professionals in hand and wrist surgery worldwide.
The ASSH, accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), is renowned for its commitment to advancing the field of hand surgery through education and innovation. This annual meeting serves as a platform for experts from around the globe to share the latest advancements and techniques in hand surgery.
Dr. Fabio Tandioy has trained with internationally recognized hand surgeons, making him a pioneer in Colombia in advanced wrist arthroscopy. His innovative and minimally invasive techniques have set new standards for patient recovery, earning him a reputation as one of Latin America’s leading experts in the field. Dr. Tandioy has also published numerous scientific articles in prominent journals of hand surgery and is an active member of both national and international societies.
In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Tandioy is dedicated to education and knowledge sharing, regularly hosting foreign surgeons who seek to learn from his expertise in wrist arthroscopy.

By Flic Media

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Medellín’s Flower Festival Blooms Again: A Celebration for the People Mon, 12 Aug 2024 15:21:00 +0000 During the Medellín Loves You 2024 Flower Festival, over 10 days, 2,100,000 people attended more than 100 free-entry events featuring around 3,200 artists.

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Nearly 40,000 people attended the opening concert at the Obelisk sector. The festival culminated with the Silleteros Parade, which saw over 1,300,000 participants, including residents and tourists.

In the San Antonio de Prado, Altavista, San Sebastián de Palmitas, Santa Elena, Aranjuez, Cattle Fair show, Belén, La Floresta, and La Milagrosa stages, more than 83,000 attendees were recorded.

During the five nights of the Night Cultural Park at the Gardel Plaza of Olaya Herrera Airport, 34,700 people enjoyed performances by 29 artists and their groups. Meanwhile, the Flower Squares in North Park, Parques del Río, Juan Pablo II Airport Park, Miraflores, and Ciudad del Río hosted 103,250 people.

The National Trova Festival City of Medellín celebrated its 20th anniversary, gathering 26,000 lovers of repentismo and Antioquian culture during its two sessions (semifinal and final).

The Canine Walk attracted 50,000 people and 15,000 pets, 30,000 people participated in the Chivas and Flowers event, and another 80,000 attended the Classic and Antique Car Parade.
Among the novelties was the float and parade ‘Avenida Primavera: Streets, Rhythms, and Flowers,’ a tribute to the musical genres that have left a legacy in Medellín, such as tropical, salsa, vallenato, popular, and urban music, with an audience of over 200,000 people along the route. Artist Street, Fair to the Rhythm of Bicycles, Sound Zone, Culture Park, Sanalejo Market, and Street Museum, among others, gathered more than 20,000 people.

The National Trova Festival City of Medellín celebrated its 20th anniversary, gathering 26,000 lovers of repentismo and Antioquian culture during its two sessions (semifinal and final).

The Canine Walk attracted 50,000 people and 15,000 pets, 30,000 people participated in the Chivas and Flowers event, and another 80,000 attended the Classic and Antique Car Parade.

Among the novelties was the float and parade ‘Avenida Primavera: Streets, Rhythms, and Flowers,’ a tribute to the musical genres that have left a legacy in Medellín, such as tropical, salsa, vallenato, popular, and urban music, with an audience of over 200,000 people along the route. Artist Street, Fair to the Rhythm of Bicycles, Sound Zone, Culture Park, Sanalejo Market, and Street Museum, among others, gathered more than 20,000 people.

“I want to thank all the citizens for their good behavior. This was a Flower Festival that returned to the people, where we once again put the silleteros at the top of the pedestal, which is what we wanted. This was a festival that returned to the streets, to the neighborhoods, that regained its essence; it brought back what is ours. In terms of economic impact and people’s participation, the balance is very positive, as well as in terms of safety,” said Mayor Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga.

The city welcomed 291,110 visitors, as follows: the José María Córdova Airport reported 51,558 passengers, of which 21,605 were domestic and 29,953 were international, marking a 6.2% increase compared to the previous year. Another 239,552 arrived through the two ground transportation terminals.

A highlight was the 9.5% growth in foreign visitors compared to the previous year.
According to a preliminary report from Cotelco Antioquia, 10,359 national tourists were accommodated, and according to surveys conducted by the Medellín Tourism Intelligence System (SIT), 37.6% reported staying in tourist housing.
Based on the average expenditure data from the surveys, the average stay, and the number of visitors who attended the event, a tourist expenditure of approximately $42.1 million is estimated, along with a preliminary hotel occupancy rate of 77.6%.
During the festival days, the Mobility Secretariat deployed 440 traffic agents to cover 86 events with road closures or escorts. They carried out 268 scheduled interventions, 33 of which involved other District agencies, and five DUI operations. A total of 2,775 citations were issued, and 833 vehicles were impounded.

One of the most positive figures was the 70% reduction in the number of homicides, with 11 fewer cases compared to the 2023 festival, when there were 14.

As for thefts, there were 575 fewer cases during these 10 days compared to the same period last year, resulting in a 74% reduction.
With over 1,600 men and women in service, including operational, administrative, supervisory, and volunteer personnel, Emvarias Grupo EPM was present before, during, and after more than 40 events. They collected 75 tons of ordinary waste and, to promote a sustainable festival, they recovered 15 tons of recyclable materials, including cans, plastic bottles, cardboard, paper, and glass, achieving a 20% recycling rate compared to the total solid waste accounted for.
The next edition of the festival, to be held from August 1 to 10, 2025, aims to surpass the expectations and figures reached this time, which demonstrated that confidence has returned to Medellín and that the capital of Antioquia has blossomed again alongside its people.
For more Information:FLIC MEDIA

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Colombian Diego Armando Mendoza Captivates the World of Glamour with His Stunning Pictures Wed, 10 Jul 2024 15:21:00 +0000 Through his lens, stars like Gisele Bündchen, Kendall Jenner, Lewis Hamilton, and Tommy Hilfiger have been immortalized.

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Diego Armando Mendoza, a talented photographer from the small town of Codazzi in Cesar, Colombia, is making waves in the world of glamour with his captivating pictures. His lens has immortalized global celebrities like Gisele Bundchen, Kendal Jenner, Gigi Hadid, Lewis Hamilton, and Tommy Hilfiguer, among others.

Diego’s journey from a humble background to becoming an inspiration for new generations is a testament to the power of dreams. From an early age, Diego showed an innate interest in the art of styling. His passion and dedication led him to quickly climb in this fascinating world, where he had the opportunity to work with prominent figures on the national scene such as Carlos Vives, Bacilos, and JBalvin.

These early achievements were just the beginning of a career that would take an even more spectacular turn.

His talent and dedication caught the attention of the fashion industry, and he soon found himself working with some of the biggest names in the business. His unique perspective and ability to capture the essence of his subjects have made him a sought-after photographer in the world of glamour.

Diego’s work has been featured in top fashion magazines and has graced the covers of renowned publications. His ability to bring out the best in his subjects and create stunning visuals has made him a favorite among celebrities and fashion icons.

Diego Armando Mendoza’s success story is an inspiration to aspiring photographers and artists. He has proven that with passion, hard work, and determination, dreams can come true, no matter where you come from. His talent and dedication have not only brought him success but have also put

Diego Armando Mendoza’s success story is an inspiration to aspiring photographers and artists. He has proven that with passion, hard work, and determination, dreams can come true, no matter where you come from. His talent and dedication have not only brought him success but have also put Colombia on the map in the world of glamour. Diego’s journey is a reminder that anything is possible with a camera in hand and a vision in mind.

In conclusion, Diego Armando Mendoza’s work has captivated the world of glamour, and his pictures continue to inspire and amaze. His journey from a small town in Colombia to becoming a renowned photographer is a testament to his talent and hard work. With his unique perspective and ability to capture the beauty of his subjects, Diego is set to make a lasting impact in the world of fashion and photography.

For more Information:FLIC MEDIA


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‘Crash Course’ by Ricardo Jiménez Launches with Great Acclaim at La Cometa Gallery in Miami Tue, 02 Jul 2024 13:58:00 +0000 Ricardo Jiménez celebrated the successful launch of his book "Crash Course". The event was attended by a full house of esteemed guests, including CEOs, entrepreneurs, founders, and TV personalities, making it a night to remember.

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The most trending art place in the city, La Cometa Gallery, was the perfect venue for this special occasion. The red carpet was rolled out, and guests were treated to delicious cocktails as they mingled and networked with each other. The atmosphere was electric, and the anticipation for the Q&A session with Ricardo was palpable.

Ricardo Jiménez, a renowned tech investor, author and entrepreneur, shared his insights and experiences from writing “Crash Course” during the Q&A session hosted by award winner journalist Ismael Trivino. The book, which focuses on his personal journey, mental health and professional development as an entrepreneur, has received rave reviews from readers and critics alike. In ‘Crash Course’, Ricardo Jiménez recounts his personal startup failure so that other entrepreneurs and business founders may learn from his mistakes and personal insights as they chase their own business dreams.

The event was a testament to the impact the book has had on its readers and the entrepreneurial community. The successful book launch event was a result of the hard work and dedication of Ricardo Jiménez and his team. The support and attendance of esteemed guests further solidified the impact and relevance of “Crash Course” in today’s society. The event was a celebration of personal and professional growth, and it was an honor to have such influential individuals come together to support Ricardo and his book.
For more information on “Crash Course” and upcoming events, click here.
“Crash Course” is now available for purchase at major bookstores and online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Simon & Schuster.
Join the conversation on social media using #CrashCourse and be a part of the movement towards personal and professional development

About The Author
Ricardo Jiménez is a Spanish-born writer, entrepreneur, and active angel investor. Since 2014, he has performed direct investments in over thirty tech projects, including the Ethereum token launch.In most recent years, his investment scope broadened into other industries and geographies, such as investing in a gold mine in Paraguay, a logistics company in Pakistan, and a financial solution for Gen Z in the Middle East.

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Jiménez holds an MBA from Duke and is fluent in Spanish, English, and conversational Indonesian. He has traveled to eighty countries, visited the Seven Wonders of the World, spent six months at a meditation retreat in Uruguay, and he continues to spend several months every year in the Isha meditation center in Mexico. He enjoys kite surfing in Puerto Rico and motorbike riding the Texas back roads. 

He is a founder supporter of Yo Elijo, a not-for-profit that supports children and families in socio-economic stress in Colombia in choosing a different path in their lives. 
It’s from his personal experiences in entrepreneurship, investing, travel, meditation, and personal growth that he writes—not with the intention to teach but to be a companion to founders in the noble yet often overwhelming pursuit of their dreams.
By Flic Media

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Colombiamoda Arrives at Miami Swim Week Mon, 20 May 2024 14:43:00 +0000 Colombiamoda, Colombia's Fashion Week, has crossed borders to land in the United States.

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We want to tell the world about our capabilities and what WE ARE for the global fashion industry, highlighting the talent of our designers and their clothing proposals with a Colombian author’s seal.”

Sebastián Díez, Executive President of Inexmoda.

Exalting the Capabilities of the Colombian Fashion System

Colombiamoda, Colombia’s Fashion Week, arrives in the United States to exalt the capabilities of the Colombian Fashion System and the differentiated value proposition of its brands. Inexmoda, under its internationalization strategy and in partnership with PARAISO, will participate in PARAISO Miami Swim Week 2024, dazzling with Colombian talent and author’s seal, facilitating the opening of new commercial opportunities for both countries.

Under the leadership of Inexmoda, Colombiamoda positions itself as a globally relevant event by bringing its characteristic charm to Miami. This “Opening” of what Colombiamoda will be in the United States not only celebrates Colombian fashion but also strengthens ties between Colombia and the United States, featuring the creativity and innovation that characterize the Colombian fashion system.

A highlighted aspect of this initiative is the welcoming of nine Colombian brands that have participated in transformation projects, which, apart from being present at the May 31 “Opening,” will also exhibit their products at Wanitta, a fashion trending boutique store in Wynwood. After the fair’s launch in the United States, this corner of Colombian talent will be open to the public for two months, offering an exceptional showcase of the design and quality that distinguish Colombian brands. The brands included in this outstanding selection are: Be Surreal, Piel Canela, Champlevé, Acquerello, Coco Blanco, Bless, Zelma, Rosa Pistacho, and Wanitta.

With the arrival of Colombiamoda in Miami, we reaffirm the importance of the internationalization of Colombian brands and the conquest of new markets

For this edition of the fair, we want to tell the world about our capabilities and what WE ARE for the global fashion industry, highlighting the talent of our designers and their clothing proposals with a Colombian author’s seal. Both Medellín – the host city of Colombiamoda – and Miami are, today, creative districts and epicenters of fashion, art, and culture in the American continent,” comments Sebastián Díez, Executive President of Inexmoda.

This strategic move becomes even more relevant considering the potential of the US market in the fashion industry. With sales exceeding $418 billion, the United States represents approximately 23% of the global fashion market. Furthermore, the penetration of e-commerce in this country, which reaches around 40% of total clothing and footwear sales, offers significant opportunities for brands seeking international expansion.
“Our aim is to highlight areas where fashion finds its creative inspiration and forms of experimentation. Colombia is becoming one of the most interesting and rapidly growing places for swimwear and resort wear fashion and creativity today. To open the doors for these brands to enter the US market, we decided to start a special collaboration with Inexmoda – Colombiamoda within the global platform of PARAISO Miami Swim Week.” – Natalija Dedic Stojanovic, Co-founder and Creative Director of PARAISO Miami Swim Week.

To follow all the details of Colombiamoda within the framework of Miami Swim Week 2024, you can follow the IG accounts: @colombiamoda_oficial / @inexmoda and visit:


For more Information:FLIC MEDIA

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